Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Working on technique

After reading a little bit more about technique from Barefoot Ken Bob's website. I realized that I was not relaxing my pelvis and shoulders enough as I ran, letting my body keeps is natural counterweight and balance. On my last 3+ mile run around Lake Merritt I focused on relaxing and felt a natural spring in every stride. I also conserved energy and just felt more relaxed, resulting in a very enjoyable run. I am starting to realize how many nuances there are to running efficiently that I have never payed attention to before. Running barefoot and using proper technique is like drinking a well brewed cup of quality coffee after drinking Foldgers all your life. At first it doesn't seem to taste very good, but pretty soon you can't stand anything else, and you want a better and better cup.


  1. I made it to you blog, and I'm going to read all the articles you have about barefoot running. Maybe I'll discover some research about why I should ditch my shoes for this new sport. I run purely for the reason that it's a convenient way to get exercise on my own time and at my own leisure. I never really thought about running as a way to get in tuned with my body, but as a way to feel energized and stay physically fit. I'll keep reading. Talli Ho!!

  2. Thank you for the note - I'm glad you found my blog! Let me know if you have any questions...peace.

  3. I have never done this before, but I'd like to do it! and it must be on the beach!!
